Thursday, July 31, 2008

sad day

haiz... 2day is normal day working but worry about can't hit target that y i try 2 do more sales but i dun know y alway so unlucky is i got customer but keep on sell $10-$19 den cindy alway got big fish customer den my in-charge alway say her sales good me never bath,i know she just say but me listen is hurting.lucky at evening time i got a angmo customer bought $90+ if not i whole day will feel i unlucky. in the end of the day we hit target,no matter how like wat my hubby say my in-charge will close with cindy n i feel at there is a extra wan.. but hope i still can stay long over this company.

tomoro i got basin theory test,hope i this time can pass but i think hard coz everytime i wan have this test alway got moody if not qurrel with frz o family.this time is my nuts hubby i dun know y working can until 2am haven't back home.i dun know y got this type of company in sales lines need working until 2am+ .

sad y everytime like that already 7times have my basin theory.ireally dun know is it i too unlucky o really fate ask me let some1 be my driver haha....bless me will pass :p